
RCIC Business  Mastermind

Your chance to transform your immigration business in just one day. 

Event finished on March 15. 


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Ask Yourself if You Are...

If you’ve answered “YES” to at least one of these questions, I invite you to my exclusive RCIC Business Mastermind.

It's not just another workshop! By the end of the day, you will walk out with an action plan that will transform the way you run your business.

Our Agenda

9:30 - 10:00 Meet and greet
10:00 – 11:30 Level up your client acquisition funnel
11:30 - 12:00 Q&A session
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch + Networking
1:00 - 2:30 Case management intensive
2:30 - 3:00 Q&A session
3:00 – 3:30 Networking break
3:30 – 5:30 Managing daily tasks & processes
5:30 - 6:00 Q&A session

This Intensive Is For You If

You're ready to work smarter, not harder

You want to leave the "always-on" lifestyle behind

You're looking to gain confidence and competence in your practice

You aim to achieve work-life balance, grow business and revenues

Deep Dive Into the Program:

Block 1: Level up your client acquisition funnel

  • Get the RIGHT clients for your business.
  • Master the process from point zero to signing your Service Agreement.
  • How to deal with high demand and high volume of inquires.
  • Define what consultation types to offer and how to price them.
  • Increase your conversion  from initial contact to consultation to signed service agreement.

Block 2: Manage your case work, deliver amazing customer service and get tasks done with zero stress

  • Revamp your client communication strategy. This WILL CHANGE your business.
  • A step-by-step guide from client onboarding to offboarding.
  • Exclusive access to my templates for streamlined processes.
  • My secret to a stress-free case filing.

Block 3: Managing Daily Tasks & Processes

  • An inside look at my personal system for business management.
  • Strategies for managing a high volume of cases effortlessly.
  • Daily scheduling & task management.
  • Ensuring high-quality work while handling heavy caseloads.

What My Graduates Say

Hi, I'm Olena Weber,

an experienced RCIC with 7 years of building and operating a successful immigration practice in Canada. Over the years, I've perfected the art of achieving a multiple 6-figure income while working under 30 hours per week. Now, I want to share my secrets with you through this exclusive in-person event.

This one-day intensive is more than an event; it's an investment in your future success.

Do not miss my future events!